making Yogurt,
- use good milk, eg Anchor.
- warm the milk (say 1 liter) to around 30 deg (put ur hand into milk, if ur hand feel hot, then let the milk cool a little bit as too hot would kill the bacteria;
or use a food thermometer, around HKD50, i get it fr hk yahoo auction)
- the pour the milk into a vacuum bottle, or a hot water bottle.
- then open the capsule, n pour the powder into the milk.
- then close the bottle, n
- leave it 12 hr.
- if u find that looks like 豆腐花, then it is very good.
- then u could start enjoying it.
- u could leave the bottle (w the leave over inside) in the kitchen,
or pour the remaining into a glass bottle, n put it in regf.
in summer time, this is real good.
use it to make ice-cream.
after u've make the yogurt,
put the yogurt, some raw sugar/honey, a banana
into a blender to blend all into mesh.
then put the mesh into ice-stack,
wawawa... after some hours, oh, lovely healthy ice cream!
or if ur blender is powerful enough,
then u could directly put the yogurt, banana, or any fruit, eg strawberry, etc etc, w some ice cube into the blender.
hahaha... Tai Wan style 泡冰, just great!
u could also put some coco powder,
hahaha... it becomes chocolate taste yogurt/ice cream!
on Sat, n Sun, i might do fasting;
otherwise, 1 liter yogurt, some fruit, some juice are all the food i take for the day.
hahaha... have fun.