2010年12月19日 星期日

AAA;; Image IS Everything (T. Harv Eker Image IS Everything 2010-12-17)

Image IS Everything
December 17th, 2010 by T. Harv Eker

One of the ways we can become worthy of the success and happiness we want to come into our lives is to turn that record over in our head about who we really are. We need an image makeover.

If it comes down to clothes, getting into shape, material symbols—so be it. To each his own. “Dressing for success” to the president of a surfboard company may very well be vastly different than dressing for success to a banker. The image I’m referring to is how we actually perceive ourselves. What is going to determine your arena in money more than anything else is your self-image around money.

The image we want to project is one of somebody who deserves to be a partner in a lucrative joint venture, or someone who is confident enough in themselves to understand they don’t know everything nor do they have to, but they are fast learners who have their own unique value to bring to the table.

There are simply ways in which we can improve our self-image, universal truths we all need to embrace:

Number One: Stop beating yourself up! This is one of those rules like not complaining. There’s no room for self-criticism. Think of it this way: if you really cared about somebody, like a child for example, how would you treat them? How would you talk to them? What kind of tone of voice would you use? We would do that for others, but we treat ourselves like trash in comparison. True or true?

You want to catch self-criticism and immediately transfer that to an encouragement.

If you don’t have the confidence, you’ll never take actions. What kind of life can you live if you don’t trust yourself, encourage yourself! Become your own best friend! Be nice to yourself! If you’re not going to be loving to yourself, then who is? Nobody can love you until you love you!

And you can’t love another person until you love yourself. Until then, you’re ripping them off. You’re the one who starts it. How can you respond lovingly to someone who criticizes you when you don’t love yourself enough to not criticize yourself?

No complaining, no self-criticizing. These are ironclad rules for happiness and success.

Number Two: Practice Receiving Someone gives you a compliment. Most people go, “Oh it was nothing.” How about from now on we simply say, “Thank you!”

So many people diminish their own significance, even when others want to give it to them. By down-playing a compliment, you’re essentially telling the person giving the compliment that (A) You don’t believe them, and/or (B) You don’t believe you deserve to be complimented. So what does the universe do? It responds to what you put out there: ‘I don’t deserve to be complimented.’ The compliments get scarcer, you criticize yourself, and the whole insane cycle starts again.

To paraphrase Mandela, you do no one a service by diminishing your own light. Quite the opposite: you give others permission to let their light shine by being that example. Receive compliments, accolades, praise—and yes, even criticism—with an open heart. You’d be amazed at how that transfer to receive more money for the value you bring to the market and to others.

Image IS everything … and its nothing, a classic Zen paradox. Of course people are going to respond to how we look … we don’t need too many primers on that. But we need to look at ourselves as people who are competent in what we do, have value to give, and deserve to be rewarded for it. The money you “deserve” is a choice in life just like anything else. You choose what you receive through what you do. It’s up to you.

Now we want to hear from you. What are some ways—tradition or spiritual—that people can improve their self-image in any arena of life? It’s all an integrated whole, and poor self-image in one area while underlie all. Let’s close those gaps and enjoy the fruits of the Millionaire Mind!


LM;; IITS;; Everyone Is Rushing Out Of Market: Insider Selling Hits All Time Record Of $4.5 Billion In Prior Week (Zh 2010-11-11)

Everyone Is Rushing Out Of Market: Insider Selling Hits All Time Record Of $4.5 Billion In Prior Week
November 11th, 2010
by zh

The market usually tanks when everyone thinks things will go on forever. This time it is indeed different. Everyone has had 2 years to get ready for our impending economic collapse and no one wants to a bath.

Insiders have officially marked the top of the stock market: last week’s insider selling of all stocks (not just S&P) hit an all time record of $4.5 billion. This is the biggest weekly number ever recorded by tracking company InsiderScore.com: as Sentiment Trader highlights no other week before had more than $2 billion in net selling. Furthermore, selling in just S&P companies hit a whopping $2.8 billion: over 4 times more than the week prior! As such the ratio of insider selling to buying is now meaningless. Even Bloomberg, which traditionally just posts the data without providing commentary to it, highlighted this ridiculous outlier: “Insider selling at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies reached a record in the past week as executives took advantage of a two-year high in the stock-market to sell their shares.” We hope those retail investors who dared to reemerge in the stock market and play some hot potatoes with the big boys, enjoy their brief profit as they once again end up being the biggest fools.

Here is a stunning chart of insider trading activity, courtesy of SentimentTrader:

And this is what insider buying to selling in the S&P looked like last week. LOL.


LM;; IITS;; Insider Selling Volume at Highest Level Ever Tracked ! (Mosesman 2010-10-28)

Insider Selling Volume at Highest Level Ever Tracked !

This is the clearest indication that senior management in large corporations do not buy the everything is going to be A OK story. Why are they all selling? Because they expect the economy to become worse.

Insider Selling Volume at Highest Level Ever Tracked
The overwhelming volume of sell transactions relative to buy transactions by company insiders over the last six months in key leading sectors of the market is the worst Alan Newman, editor of the Crosscurrents newsletter, has ever seen since he began tracking the data.

The strategist looked at insider trading activity amongst the top ten companies that make up the Nasdaq such as Apple [ AAPL 307.83 -0.22 (-0.07%) ], Google [ GOOG 616.47 -2.13 (-0.34%) ] and Amazon [ AMZN 167.51 -2.44 (-1.44%) ].

Then he analyzed the biggest members of the Retail HOLDRs ETF like Gap [ GPS 19.34 -0.34 (-1.73%) ], Target [ TGT 52.73 -0.41 (-0.77%) ] and Costco [ COST 62.98 -0.70 (-1.10%) ], as well as the top insiders in the semiconductor industry at companies such as Altera [ ALTR 31.04 +0.71 (+2.34%) ], Broadcom [ BRCM 41.56 +4.34 (+11.66%) ] and Sandisk [ SNDK 37.87 +0.68 (+1.83%) ].

The largest companies in three of the most important leading sectors of the market have seen their executives classified as insiders sell more than 120 million shares of stock over the last six months. Top executives at these very same companies bought just 38,000 shares over that same time period, making for an eye-popping sell to buy ratio of 3,177 to one.

The grand total for the three sectors are “as awful as we have ever seen since we began doing this exercise years ago,” said Newman, who was ahead on such trends as the dangers of high-frequency trading and ETFs before the ‘Flash Crash’. “Clearly, insiders are seeing great value only in cash. Their actions speak volumes for the veracity for the current rally.”

But the overall market doesn’t seem to care. The S&P 500 is up 16 percent since its 2010 low hit on July 2nd on the back of strong earnings driven by cost-cutting and the hopes for even more quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve.

The insider data “is good reason for considerable caution once the price action fades,” said Simon Baker, CEO of Baker Asset Management. Still “insiders normally buy early and sell early too. Longer term — 12 months out — it is more of a red flag.”

Newman isn’t alone in warning about insider selling. The latest report from Vickers Weekly Insider, a publication that makes investments based upon these transactions, shows that total insider sell transactions relative to purchases on the New York Stock Exchange are running at a ratio of more than four to one over the last eight weeks. The normal reading, because of options selling and other factors, is about 2 sales for every buy, according to Vickers.

To be sure, many investors feel the heavy insider selling is just an anomaly based on other reasons. “These are folks that have had to dip into their stocks for the first time in years, as their salaries have been cut and their bonuses, outside Wall Street, have been significantly curtailed,” said J.J. Kinahan, chief derivatives strategist for TD Ameritrade. “ This may speak more to a cash flow problem, then a market belief.”

Still Newman, who is also a favorite commentator of Barron’s columnist Alan Abelson, sees the insider selling as just the latest reason, along with the mortgage foreclosure mess and fully invested mutual fund managers with no fresh powder to put to work, to be cautious on the market. “At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we expect a significant correction,” said the newsletter editor.


2010年12月18日 星期六

WB;; Diet;; Cleanse;;








2010年12月15日 星期三

Love;; 男女大不同




森美小儀 男女大不同A

森美小儀 男女大不同B

快樂生活王 兩性男女大不同(1) 邱永林 心理醫師

快樂生活王 兩性男女大不同(2) 邱永林 心理醫師


Russell Peters - 男女大腦大不同 Women Are Always Thinking (Chinese Subtitles)

Chris Rock - 女生不爽的原因 On Love (Chinese Subtitles)

先吃飯後上床 (高慧然 生果日報網上版 2010-12-15)


大學生了沒 男女大腦大不同?!《上》

精彩内容01: 不要期望异性完全懂你

2010年12月4日 星期六

WB;; Cleanse;;

澡盆內放三至四磅瀉鹽(Epsom Salt),泡二十分鐘。這有助於將體內毒素從皮膚排出。

這有益於去除體內放射線。乘坐飛機或是做放射治療後,可以在熱水中,混合一碲海鹽(Sea Salt)和一磅蘇打粉(Baking Soda),泡二十分鐘。接受放射治療者,可以每星期泡一次,持續幾個月。


白土奶(Bentonite Clay)是一種火山爆發後產生的白色粉末,具有強大的吸收能力,它可以將附在腸壁上的黏液及毒素排出。調配方法為︰將一盎斯白土奶徐徐加入一杯水中,並一邊攪拌,直至調成稠糊狀,倒入玻璃瓶內保存。每天早晚各服一次,連續二至三星期,在此期間最好素食。早飯前以一杯溫水加入一湯匙調好的白土奶漿調勻使用。晚飯前再服用一湯匙調好的白土奶漿,直接服用不必加水。可以每年或隔幾年實行一次。

大腸有如一條五呎長的管子,長期使用,內壁會有髒的陳貨,以清水灌洗是去除陳舊廢物的方法。在美國,灌腸師藉著機器的壓力,將溫水緩緩灌入大腸,加以清洗後再將廢物排出。渥克醫生(Dr. Norman Walker)在其大腸健康(Colon Health)一書中建議,灌洗腸如同洗牙,一年可以進行兩次大掃除,全部過程大約一小時。在電話簿中查Colonics或Colon Irrigation,即可找到有此專業訓練的人材,進行灌腸,會有意想不到的結果。

以下是Jack Schwartz提供的排肝毒法︰半杯溫水加一個檸檬、一湯匙糖蜜(Molasses)、一茶匙橄欖油、少許紅椒粉(Cayenne Pepper),早上空腹喝下,連續十天。


第六天晚飯不吃,晚上六點喝一杯加入一茶匙瀉鹽(Epsom Salt)的溫水。晚上八點再喝一杯同樣溶液。晚上十點,以半杯新鮮檸檬汁與半杯橄欖油攪拌均勻喝下。檸檬汁可軟化膽管,橄欖油促使膽囊分泌大量膽汁,把結石沖出膽囊,排出體外。


西瓜︰腎臟發炎時,每半小時吃一片西瓜。也可一到三天以西瓜為食,不吃其它食物,這是斷食的一種方法,讓消化系統與排泄系統做個大掃除。 蘋果和紅蘿蔔擦絲食用,也是很好的大腸清潔劑。

每隔一段時間,最好能讓消化系統休息,只喝泉水或蒸餾水(Distilled Water),這叫水斷食。斷食可以讓積存體內的毒素排出。一般人斷食一到三天都可。長時間的斷食,最好在有經驗的人指導之下執行。過於虛弱的人,不適合完全以水斷食,隔一兩天需以蔬果汁補充。在斷食之前,最好先有一段減食期間。斷食完畢,也要有一段復食期,先以湯汁如米湯或果菜汁開始,再慢慢增加固體食物,否則腸胃不適應,會造成腹脹難忍的痛苦。方法錯誤,對身體不但無益,反而有害,有時也十分危險,最好有專家指導。
