2010年12月19日 星期日

AAA;; Image IS Everything (T. Harv Eker Image IS Everything 2010-12-17)

Image IS Everything
December 17th, 2010 by T. Harv Eker

One of the ways we can become worthy of the success and happiness we want to come into our lives is to turn that record over in our head about who we really are. We need an image makeover.

If it comes down to clothes, getting into shape, material symbols—so be it. To each his own. “Dressing for success” to the president of a surfboard company may very well be vastly different than dressing for success to a banker. The image I’m referring to is how we actually perceive ourselves. What is going to determine your arena in money more than anything else is your self-image around money.

The image we want to project is one of somebody who deserves to be a partner in a lucrative joint venture, or someone who is confident enough in themselves to understand they don’t know everything nor do they have to, but they are fast learners who have their own unique value to bring to the table.

There are simply ways in which we can improve our self-image, universal truths we all need to embrace:

Number One: Stop beating yourself up! This is one of those rules like not complaining. There’s no room for self-criticism. Think of it this way: if you really cared about somebody, like a child for example, how would you treat them? How would you talk to them? What kind of tone of voice would you use? We would do that for others, but we treat ourselves like trash in comparison. True or true?

You want to catch self-criticism and immediately transfer that to an encouragement.

If you don’t have the confidence, you’ll never take actions. What kind of life can you live if you don’t trust yourself, encourage yourself! Become your own best friend! Be nice to yourself! If you’re not going to be loving to yourself, then who is? Nobody can love you until you love you!

And you can’t love another person until you love yourself. Until then, you’re ripping them off. You’re the one who starts it. How can you respond lovingly to someone who criticizes you when you don’t love yourself enough to not criticize yourself?

No complaining, no self-criticizing. These are ironclad rules for happiness and success.

Number Two: Practice Receiving Someone gives you a compliment. Most people go, “Oh it was nothing.” How about from now on we simply say, “Thank you!”

So many people diminish their own significance, even when others want to give it to them. By down-playing a compliment, you’re essentially telling the person giving the compliment that (A) You don’t believe them, and/or (B) You don’t believe you deserve to be complimented. So what does the universe do? It responds to what you put out there: ‘I don’t deserve to be complimented.’ The compliments get scarcer, you criticize yourself, and the whole insane cycle starts again.

To paraphrase Mandela, you do no one a service by diminishing your own light. Quite the opposite: you give others permission to let their light shine by being that example. Receive compliments, accolades, praise—and yes, even criticism—with an open heart. You’d be amazed at how that transfer to receive more money for the value you bring to the market and to others.

Image IS everything … and its nothing, a classic Zen paradox. Of course people are going to respond to how we look … we don’t need too many primers on that. But we need to look at ourselves as people who are competent in what we do, have value to give, and deserve to be rewarded for it. The money you “deserve” is a choice in life just like anything else. You choose what you receive through what you do. It’s up to you.

Now we want to hear from you. What are some ways—tradition or spiritual—that people can improve their self-image in any arena of life? It’s all an integrated whole, and poor self-image in one area while underlie all. Let’s close those gaps and enjoy the fruits of the Millionaire Mind!


